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School of History, Archaeology and Philosophy

School of History, Archaeology and Philosophy

Support Before the Pill

Support Before the Pill: The Family Planning Association 1945-1955


Date: Wednesday 29 January, 16:30 to 18:00 

Location: St. Alphege Buildings 002 and on Teams

Organizer: Modern History Research Centre (MHRC)

Title: "Support Before the Pill: The Family Planning Association 1945-1955"

Speaker:  Susan Birch (University of Winchester)

Attendee CategoryCost   
A - Members of the University of Winchester / MHRC subscribers£0.00[Read More]
B - Individual entry (external attendees)£6.00[Read More]
C - Individual entry / Concessions (external students, pensioners)£3.00[Read More]

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