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Lifestyle medicine for cancer prevention and survivorship


Course Information

Lifestyle medicine for cancer prevention and survivorship

This course will provide the knowledge and skills required to implement evidence-based lifestyle medicine strategies for cancer prevention and living well after a cancer diagnosis. Although aimed at practicing healthcare professionals from all disciplines, it also has relevance to the wider public. The content covers the six pillars of lifestyle medicine, namely healthy diets, physical activity, restorative sleep, healthy relationships, management of stress and avoidance of harmful substances, and provides actionable take aways for personal and professional practice. The course aims to provide individuals and practitioners the confidence to disseminate this information amongst their patients, families and their communities.

Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Shireen Kassam
Course Description

This self-paced, 8-week online course will require around 15 hours of learning. It comprises a combination of written notes, recorded webinars, other video content, multiple choice questions and a short, written assignment. In addition, there are a number of additional resources that can be downloaded and saved for further learning. It is accredited for 15 hours of CPD by the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

Entry Requirements

This course is aimed at practicing healthcare professionals in both primary and secondary care from any discipline that are involved in caring for people living with cancer. In addition, the course will be relevant to the wider public who may be interested in reducing their personal risk of cancer or who have lived through a cancer diagnosis.

This distance-learning course is delivered via Canvas. Due to government regulations, Instructure (Canvas) prohibits the unauthorised use of its products and services in specific countries and regions. We need to make these restrictions clear to individuals considering this course. Please see the guidance as documented by Canvas.

Which countries are restricted from using Canvas?

What are the browser and computer requirements for... - Instructure Community - 66 (canvaslms.com)

This course uses the video hosting platform Vimeo, which the following countries have restricted access - China (excluding Hong Kong), North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Indonesia, Sudan, Syria, and Russia.

For more information regarding these restrictions please email HWBShortcourses@winchester.ac.uk before booking a place on the course.

Cancellation by you

Refunds will be given if written notification is received before the start of the course with a fixed course date. No refunds will be given once you have started the course,  but you will be given the option to transfer to a future iteration of the course where one will be running. You will be able to transfer your place twice.

Transferring course

For courses with a fixed start date, students wishing to transfer to a future iteration of the course can do but must send written notification of this to the course administrator. You will be able to transfer your place twice.

Refund arrangements

Any refunds will be made to the credit/debit card used when making the purchase.

The University of Winchester reserves the right to refund the course fee and not supply the course where the University considers it may be liable for taxes outside the UK as a result of supplying the course.

StartEndCourse Fee 

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